Product Description
Delta 20 is a retarder especially developed for highly reactive cementitious binders and mortars. It has been specifically formulated to retard extremely fast setting times of Amorphous Calcium Aluminate (ACA) based mixes, such as those based on Calumex SC-A and Calumex XT-20, without sacrificing in other areas of performances such as strength development and rapid hardening (after initial set), thus providing an improved workability combined with rapid hardening.
At a dosage of 0,3% initial setting times of Calumex SC-A (when mixed with Portlandcement at a 1:9 ratio) can be increased from 30 seconds to more than 10 minutes.
Main features;
- Specially designed fro fast setting systems
- Accurate adjustment of setting times
- Little to no loss in strength development
- Fine powder that quickly dissolves in slurry
- Can be added to dry mortar mix to improve characteristics
- Specially formulated fro ACA-based systems
- Low dosage
- Improved workability